The doctrine of creation teaches that God made the world complete and good yet capable of infinitely rich development. God, moreover, made man in His own image, able to know and develop the creation, and charged him with the privilege and duty of subduing and ruling it to God’s glory.
From this creation mandate springs the whole human culture, including the arts, sciences, and the humanities, together with all attendant categories of research and learning.
God charges parents with the responsibility of equipping their children for fruitful service in the Kingdom of God and human society by nurturing in them a respect for and mastery of the knowledge, skills, and values that constitute their cultural inheritance.
Philosophically and historically parents have often found it appropriate to delegate certain aspects of this responsibility to other individuals or institutions uniquely suited to aid in the task of education. The traditional institution has been the community school.
The doctrine of the fall teaches that man and every aspect of his being and culture has been corrupted by sin. Apart from the preserving and restraining effects of God’s grace, fallen man’s understanding of God, of himself, and of the world would be so darkened that all of his cultural endeavors would produce only error and falsehood.
The doctrine of redemption teaches that God is at work redeeming the whole of His creation through the salvation in Christ of new humanity, the church. To convert, sanctify, and govern His church, God has given His holy and inspired Word, which is preserved in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. This Word of Truth is the only infallible rule of faith and practice for God’s people.
To man’s original task of preserving and developing culture, has now been added the duty of defending truth and refuting falsehood. Thus, God’s people are bound in obedience to Him to conform every aspect of their life and being to Biblical principles. In the cultural sphere, this requires the establishment and maintenance of schools that are distinctly Christian, seeking to suffuse every facet of the educational experience with an understanding of the world and of life that is consciously Biblical.
Despite the struggle against falsehood, the Christian school’s primary task remains that of preserving and developing the cultural inheritance. God in His mercy has been pleased to restrain sin in the world, by His common grace, even among the ungodly, so that He showers the blessings of insight and knowledge of His creation, like the rain, upon the righteous and the wicked alike.
It is the duty, therefore, of Christian educators to assimilate the best of human learning from whatever source, purge it of ungodliness, incorporate it into the body of Christian knowledge, and teach it faithfully to their students.
Based upon the foregoing statement of educational philosophy, Presbyterian Christian School, Inc. is fully committed to the following:
The mission of PCS is to provide a comprehensive college preparatory education distinguished by a biblical worldview to equip students with the moral integrity, intellectual capacity, and social conscience to impact the world for Christ.