Since our first class of graduates in 1999, PCS has been represented by many alumni in military service. We are so grateful for each these alumni who have defended our freedom at posts around the world.
United States Marine Corps (5)
Justin Voorbrood, 1999
Timothy Burnam, 2006
Phillip Caldwell, 2008
Zach Girod, 2012
Chad Filbey, 2018
United States Army (11)
Lee Sybert, 2002 (Iraq)
Michael Bridges, 2004
James Bordelon, 2005 (Afghanistan)
Alec Edwards, 2006 (Iraq) IN MEMORIAM
Ali Jones, 2007 (Iraq)
Brennan Desper, 2014
Cody Rosser, 2014
Brendan Jones, 2014
Seth Holloway, 2015
Tanner Rodgers, 2017
D.J. Shows, 2018
United States Navy (4)
Matt Howton, 2000 IN MEMORIAM
William Tallman, 2002
Craig Paterson, 2003
Miles Gunter, 2014
United States Air Force (12)
Boston Little, 2003 (Afghanistan)
Jonathan Brown, 2003 (Iraq)
Myles Smith, 2003 (Iraq)
Wyatt Simmons, 2007
Jordan Dearman, 2008
Michael Johnson, 2008
Gabe Wilson, 2009
Lindsey Caldwell, 2010
Ajah Payton, 2011
Harrison Gunter, 2013
Alyssa Smith, 2014
Adin Misner, 2017
United States Coast Guard (1)
Merwin Moore, 2006
Katie Schilling, 2017