CC@PCS! Tuesday Edition, V.1, E.3 – 8/30/22

August 30, 2022

Happy (almost) September!

Welcome to the (almost Wednesday) Tuesday Edition! I hope this email finds you emerging from the fog of back to school business. We’ll keep it short and simple this week…

1. Registration for the ACT @ PCS is now closed. If you missed sign ups, you can simply register for the national test on October 22nd HERE:


You should have received an invitation to your email the first full week of school!

Registering in SCOIR allows you to:

  1. Discover and apply to colleges

  2. Request letters of recommendation

  3. Complete the YouScience aptitude test

  4. Get Ms. Thomas to send you transcripts and other documents

  5. View deadlines

  6. Schedule college visits

  7. LOTS, lots more!

***Special shout outs this week go to Charlie Greer, Tyrus Walker, Reagan Grace, Lauren Jordan, Ellis Voss, Andrew Smith, Alexandra Lewellyn, Jackson Lee, and Elizabeth Nause who have all jumped in to SCOIR! Almost all of these students have applied and are tracking applications on the SCOIR platform. Thank you for being willing to try new things!***

If you are confused about SCOIR…or need help…or have no idea what I’m talking about…I’m happy to help!

Please schedule a meeting with me HERE: Schedule a Meeting!

Old News!

Family Meetings – Please schedule a family meeting to confirm graduation plans, credits, college and career plans, and more. You can schedule your meetings HERE:

College Visits – NOW is the time to start getting your feet on college campuses if you have not already done so! Check your favorite school websites for Fall Preview Days, View Weekends, or just schedule a visit on your own! Also, check the CC @ PCS Calendar for updates on college representatives coming to our campus! The College Fair on October 26th will be a great time to connect with school representatives as well. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about this process.


8/31 – WEDNESDAY! University of Alabama Admissions Counselor ON CAMPUS, in the library, after 4th period!

9/10 – national ACT (registration deadline has passed)

9/7 –  MS State Admissions Counselor ON CAMPUS, in the library after 4th period!

         Mississippi College Admissions Counselor ON CAMPUS, in the library after 4th period!

9/16 – registration deadline for the National ACT on 10/22

10/1 – FAFSA Application for the 2023-2024 school year becomes available to families

10/18 – ACT @ PCS

10/22 – national ACT

10/26 – The PCS College Fair

Have a great week, and get signed in to SCOIR!

Thank you,



Emily Zilich Thomas | College Counselor 


Office Phone:  601.582.4956

Cell Phone:  203.470.1198

Presbyterian Christian School, Secondary Campus

221 Bonhomie Road

Hattiesburg, MS 39401

Web:  PCS College Counseling

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